Saturday, December 04, 2010

Cultivating Wonder

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)

I would very much like to think and write about cultivating wonder in my life right now. Instead I am pondering how to release all the negative energy I allowed into my space during a nearly four hour meeting.

I think I cultivate wonder by allowing myself to be open.


It just keeps coming up.

One of my metta practice lines references allowing my whimsical, tender side to be more on view.

I love small children because their sense of wonder is so highly developed. I revel in watching them discover the world. Sometimes, I can participate by joining in their discoveries.

Turning over stones is another way I cultivate wonder. Whether real stones or metaphorical stones, there is so much to discover if you will look at the underside of things.

That's all I have for now. Wishing you all wonder and light and openness.

[Picture: found these airplanes someone left outside, I decided that they left them there so that someone would happen upon them and feel the need to play!]

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