Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Adventures in dating

So, I may or may not have disclosed here that I have been dating through an Internet site. (I actually had a coffee date that did not initiate via the computer, but that is a story for another day.). Well, I have.

[It's HARVEST MOON, so I couldn't resist... not really part of the story.]
One day many months ago, probably when I had two or three papers due, I halfheartedly wrote the minimum required on a profile.

There is no picture attached, but I have publicly answers many (read over 300) questions as honestly as possible. So there is some information there about me.

As in non-virtual life, I prefer to choose who I will correspond with. When someone writes to me, I generally write back. However, i don't usually answer the generic "hi." seriously?!

At the moment I am corresponding with four gentlemen, well really three as I haven't answered one that demanded a picture. That is also a whole other story.

The adventure I refer to in the title doesn't really have anything to do with the dudes, well, tangentially, I guess.

Somewhere in the early correspondence with two of them, a woman showed up on the list of people visiting my profile.

I was mildly interested because she is from the same city as these guys and the same age. Other women have dropped by my profile, I don't know how or why, but usually from left field. And I thought nothing of it.

So, I continued not thinking about it until she showed up as a visitor every time I received an email. Being neighborly I paid her profile a visit.

Maybe she is the secret girlfriend these guys aren't claiming. She could be someone's baby momma.  Maybe they are actually looking for a threesome. I did not find any information to confirm any suspicions and so moved on.

Then one of the men asked to move our conversation to regular email. Of course, then my paranoid antennae started trying to triangulate coordinates.

It would seem this woman knows when we communicate not just that I have visited his profile. And maybe he knows she knows.

My head hurt trying to scope out all the angles. But I wasn't troubled enough to break off communication.

Then she started to visit my profile (my boring, no picture, almost empty profile) every day.
Now it is up to at least three times a day - I can't be certain of the number because the site erases the last visit by the same person.

Regardless of the actual number of daily peeks, she is officially a stalker.

I wonder what she thinks she will learn by visiting my profile continuously. Does she imagine there is an intimidation factor? My gut reaction is to send her a message, but stalkers might not need that kind of encouragement. So I resist every time the urge to send her an email arises.

If I ever meet this guy, though, I might ask him if he knows her.

For now I just need to decide if I am giving these guys my number.

Updates I am sure will be forthcoming.

Photo credit: Just for fun... the full moon I swiped from the internet, the other is mine, fancy camera, Yreka, summer 2010


  1. Ick! No! Let me vote for not getting involved with dude who has crazy stalker. He needs to own that sh*t upfront 'cause that ain't cool. Anyone who has a stalker at that level needs to let potentials know the deal. Next thing you know, you're man getting run into & both his legs broke by his psycho ex (yes, this actually happened to someone I know). Maybe he's still worthwhile, maybe he isn't but he know she crazy.

  2. Stalkers are crazy, but since I have some stalker tendencies of my own, I have a little bit of compassion and not enough fear of them.

    The update is that she has settled down considerably in the last two days, she went from 3x or more a day to 2x to only 1x today.

    It corresponds directly with not hearing from him either ... so who knows. Maybe she just figured out that I am not going to add anything else to my profile and she already has it memorized (one sentence long as it is...)

    For now, I am set to meet in person the other two, non-stalked people. So, I will let you know how that goes!
