Saturday, July 23, 2011


I read that Amy Winehouse was found dead in her house...and then I heard someone say on the news that it was so unexpected. When in fact, we have all been watching this train wreck, as with so many others. What was unexpected? Tragic, yes. A horrific waste of talent, yes. But, unexpected, hardly.

We see people in need, and we walk by them every day. We decide that it isn't our business, or that there is nothing we can do.

We may not be able to cause the change we would like to see, but that is not the same as saying that there is nothing that we can do. We can always do something, say something, even if it will not be a guaranteed outcome.

I opened my journal to this quote today:
Never apologize for showing feeling.
When you do so, you apologize for the truth.
-Benjamin Disraeli
I was going to just post the quote. And then I saw that piece and heard that statement, and it changed the way I was looking at the quote. It is appropriate for both thoughts and feelings.

Let's try to say what we know to be true, even when it is not likely to be well-received.

photo credit: From Acoma Sky City, I can't remember the whole story, but I think it is a mesa that people decided to try to live on but they were unable to for some reason... there is something dramatic about it.

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