Monday, July 04, 2011

On a lighter note...

My news round up posts tend to report all the worst of what is going on ... we need to deal with these things, to be sure. But for the holiday, and perhaps in celebration of living out loud, I am going to post some lighter fare that caught my eye.

Happy Independence Day! Feel free to live life like you mean it.

I love this article (from my favorite: LA TIMES) about how to get a super hero's physique for so many reasons...not the photos, I promise. I love that it is focused on men and what and how they stay fit and why. Enjoy.

This should be Father's Day Special part 3, but it is just Story Corps spotlight. It is the beautiful story of a father and daughter talking about how they came to be a family through adoption. Choose love my friends!

More love... are you sensing a theme? So, here it is, a nearly perfect ending for the story of a couple who were about to be torn apart due to our arcane rules about marriage and immigration. Sometimes love does overcome it all. Fresh off our celebrating New York stepping up to the plate on marriage equality, here is another step towards our nation truly being for all.

Last but not least, a little travel story about the search for Bigfoot. Seriously, this one was written for me. It is just the kind of tour I would take. In fact, I have visited Happy Camp. I might have a picture of the metal replica somewhere, we certainly stopped to pay our respects to it when I was there. Fascinating place though I didn't find the natives nearly as friendly as the author of the piece did. I can, however, thoroughly recommend hanging out in the area!

Photo credit: me on the little camera from the top of the mountain. Hoping for a little rain on our super dry state.

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