Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My horoscope yesterday:
Aren't you sick of holding onto those old grudges? Today you need to realize that it's okay to let go -- closure can be overrated. Are you keeping this event or person in your emotional bank account in the hopes that someday you can cash it in for a sense of revenge? That's no reason for it to take up valuable space in your heart. Get rid of the bad energy or memories by turning toward the future and not looking back. Make room in your heart for the new, positive forces coming your way.
My answer: YES!

I accept that horoscope and hope that it is accurate. But I would have happily taken one that said: "you will finish some of the big items on your to do list ON TIME" ... not all, just some!

I decided sometime in the last 36 hours (can't really tell day from night anymore) that it will not be this bad for the entire next three weeks. It can't be ... if it is, I will not make it to graduation. So, I decided, it will be so much more doable as soon as I get one or two of these drafts into final form.

Fingers and toes crossed.

UPDATE: I just checked in to free will astrology for tomorrow's weekly tome - why yes, I should be writing one of the 14 million papers due in the next three weeks, thanks for asking!

Here it is... too funny not to share given the earlier content.

Happy Wednesday.

"Search For Self Called Off After 38 Years," read the headline in The Onion. "I always thought that if I kept searching and exploring, I'd discover who I truly was," the report began, quoting 38-year-old Andrew Speth. "Well, I looked deep into the innermost recesses of my soul, and you know what I found? An empty, windowless room the size of an aircraft hangar. From now on, if anybody needs me, I'll be sprawled out on my couch drinking black-cherry soda and watching Law & Order like everybody else." I wonder if Speth is an Aquarius? Many of my Aquarian acquaintances seem to have hit a dead end recently in their quest to fulfill the ancient maxim "Know thyself." If you're like that, please hang on. The floodgates of self-discovery will open soon.

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