The other day, I showed up to "my" office - since it is just the space allocated to me for this year and I share it with three other people, it is not really mine - and the glass panel below the door knob was broken in.
I unlocked the door in the usual way rather than making use of the new access port to get in. Everything seemed to be in order except for the glass on the floor.
Even though I had very little time before my meeting which I had planned to use to grade exams, I walked back up to the office and reported the broken window. It would appear they already knew since their response was, "is there anything missing?"
How would I know? Honestly, it is not my office. It belongs to someone who is either on sabbatical or left the university ... but left many of his belongings behind.
I proceeded to walk over the broken glass several times as I went in and out to all the scheduled meetings. I looked around trying desperately to remember how things had looked the last time I was in there. But beyond the top shelf that had some books knocked over and a few things in the desk picked over, it didn't seem that anything was taken.
There were, in fact, two computers in the office, neither of which was taken. It is a little funny because later that day, I saw a commercial about a house that was broken into but the computer was so old, it wasn't taken. Not sure in this economy that would really happen...
Meanwhile, people walked by and asked me questions like this, "What happened?"
I don't know... but I heard an awful lot of theories about what someone might have been looking for or taken.
This is a mystery story waiting to be written...
6 days ago
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