Friday, March 11, 2011

news...on happiness and mail

I have to admit my heart skipped a little beat when I read the title of the article: In Praise of Snail Mail. I *LOVE* mail. I mean love it... as long as it has my name on it. I used to open all of it, now I do make a pile that is purely solicitation and even though my name is on it, I just put it into the recycling. But, the key component to getting the kind of mail you desire, ie personal, is to write some of it yourself. I actually love writing letters almost as much as I love getting them. Note cards, postcards, real letters... love them all. There is more than the difference in medium/media... it is qualitatively different to compose a letter now especially more than ever. There are a few people with whom I correspond that I do so only through email, and it is extremely difficult for me to compose a long, thoughtful letter on the computer. Call me crazy, it just doesn't seem right to be writing important, heartfelt things on the screen. Someday, when it is all that is available, I will really be in a bind. For now, I will continue to write real letters and wait by the mailbox for the replies...

Alexandra (no, I don't know her, but I like to make use of people's names when I get the chance), in this piece, ponders the relative happiness of folks and whether or not fb contributes to our lack of happiness...and includes a final note on the *virtues* of loneliness. In true 21st century style, her musings are based on evidence from studies...

No, I am not up early combing through newspapers, or maybe I am, probably not... I suspect I will be largely unplugged through Monday, but I found these and thought three posts in one day was more than excessive...enjoy!

photo credits: still dreaming about the time in the wine country...

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