Wednesday, March 09, 2011

easily influenced?

I am drawing my inspiration for this post from a friend and former colleague who is following her dream as we speak in Spain. I am so proud of her and excite about her adventures!

She said, "So, I decided to have compassion on myself, quiet my mind of all the arguing about what to do with my life and at the very least recreate my list of reasons I should be confident." And then she listed 17 things about herself that remind her of her strength and enthusiasm and courage.

Then she challenged her readers to do the same. And why 17? She says, "17 is the magic confidence number!!!"

I like 17 as well, but this may take me days...

1. I have TWO blogs where I regularly dump my thoughts, reflections and, actually hope people will read it.
2. I desire to be known. I am learning how to embrace being fierce.
3. I have at least three times packed up my life and headed out to a new place.
4. I derive joy from watching children ... they are endlessly fascinating, resilient, daring, open and love life.
5. I understand where I come from, and I carry the ancestors' dreams in my pocket.
6. I like to make up interesting stories about people at restaurants and coffee shops. It amuses me and other people and generally doesn't hurt anyone.
7. People like to tell me their troubles. I don't mind listening or offering support.
8. I love fiercely. It's the only way I know how.
9. I decided to go back to graduate school at age 40. Nothing is going to hold me back.
10. I speak four languages...none of them perfectly but all of them well enough to get my point across and to learn about other people. Sometimes I speak them in my dreams, too.
11. I am a thoughtful friend.
12. I care about people even ones that I don't know and those I haven't met.
13. I am perfecting the use of compassion.
14. I give people the benefit of the doubt.
15. I see people for both what they can be and who they are... and I love them anyway.
16. I believe in magic and shooting stars and luck and asking the universe for what you want.
17. I am not perfect, not even close by a little bit, but I am working at being my best me everyday.

Phew... it only took me six days to get a list of 17... progress?

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