Monday, January 24, 2011

Of Full Moons and Letting Go

I had a little impromptu full moon ceremony the other day... when the moon was still full and I was tricking myself into having free time. Besides, I had already had two glasses of champagne and a class of white wine, so it wasn't like I was going to do real work. What better time for a little ceremony.

Speaking of ceremonies, I can't help but think of Leslie Marmon Silko whenever I think or speak the word, ceremony. If you haven't read her book, please do yourself a favor and take a look. I enjoyed the story, but it is more than just a novel. It is one of those rare books that is actually a healing; that is, there is healing contained in the book, and if you are amenable as you read, it can help you to heal, too, regardless of the type of pain or anguish you are experiencing.

Thankfully a box of papers had arrived (it's a long sad story I am afraid I can't retell here without copious amounts of alcohol and tonight is a dry night...) that needed to be burned in order to release the toxins held within them.

I had been thinking for a while how I could get my hands on some one's BBQ since I don't have one or a place where I can safely burn things. It is these times that make being far away from my circle ... and in a place that is still not quite home ... very difficult.

Luckily someone from my new, still forming circle, was game to help me find a place to burn a past that needed to find its way into oblivion (in the form of ash -- after all, from ash we can make new).

First we tried the park, but there were no pits. We decided on a trash can, one with minimal amounts of plastic (who wants to smell burning plastic or let that shit into the atmosphere?). The real problem was that this is Albuquerque and there is almost always wind and I had eschewed the lighter for matches... ten or so later, my box of matches was empty and there was a small hole burned in one paper.

We decided to go back to my friend's place and get a lighter, and then we decided to just use her little BBQ. But we had our priorities straight and headed for some frozen yogurt first ... five minutes before close.

All in all, it was a great way to release some negative thought forms and memories; sage burning in their midst made for a very healing time.

Now I am looking forward to the new moon and another ceremony to call in happier thoughts and memories to fill the spaces of the ones I released.

photos lovingly borrowed from the web

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