Friday, November 19, 2010

your cousin, emma

I did sleep, about four hours, but I am a little incoherent ... little disclaimer.

The other day the mystery texter returned.

The style was the same, though with a slightly different spelling, "hey waz up"

If I am not mistaken, this was the message... this time, I couldn't resist.

So I texted back, "do I know you"

The response?

"Ya ur cuz, emma"

As far as I know, I don't have any cousins named Emma. I don't think I have any cousins in NM.

Now, I could have any number of third, fourth or fifth cousins named Emma somewhere in the world.

As a friend pointed out, it's not just a random got the wrong number since whoever it is has my out of state number.

I was tempted to keep going ... and next text, "Ok, who am I?"

You know, just to see who Emma thinks I am! I was imagining in my head the mother of whomever Emma thinks I am getting a phone call wanting to know if I had lost my mind... in all of the possible contexts of that statement.

But, for now, I am just tickled to think any Emma I might meet is that cousin Emma who texts me! And, I am going to try, now, for the rest of the day to not feel overwhelmed or stressed.

Happy Friday!

Utterly unrelated picture, for fun. I just like the image conjured by the word Elkette! And is there just one Yreka Elkette?

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