Benjamin Bratt and friends arrived in my mailbox in the form of Love in the Time of Cholera right before I left for Seattle. I knew I wouldn't have enough time to enjoy it before I got on the plane, but I didn't want BB to be sad and lonely at my apartment (I haven't taught my turtle to use the DVD player, yet), so I handed it to my friend who drove me to the airport and asked her to keep BB company for me.
When same friend picked me up at the airport upon my return, she handed the movie back to me with a big smile on her face. I asked her if she had enjoyed it thinking by the look on her face that she had, but I had no idea ...
She had watched it with one of her pretendientes -- one who has been waiting in the wings for quite a while and has been getting quite a bit of play lately. Though he doesn't match all the items on the checklist, he has figured out what she likes and continues to surprise and entertain her. We joke that she is the equal opportunity dater -- she's kissed a lot of frogs, or at least let them take her to dinner -- but she is on a mission to find the one. She does cut them loose if they are not compatible -- or she can't check off the items on her list.

In any case, she said that the movie had made quite an impression on her suitor -- she realized this when she found his tongue down her throat. I have been first hand witness to my friends pretendientes (not this scene, obviously) and have yet to witness one that was not completely captivated by her -- so I was not convinced that it was really the movie.

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