Tuesday, July 02, 2013


I have been frantically looking for everything today ... nothing is where I expected it to be ... wanted it to be.

All the while, I am seething about a perceived *slight* even though I know that it is rarely about *me* when others are rude or disrespectful.  Certainly, I know that these actions and reactions come from their own hurts and insecurities.

I know that what is called for is compassion.

But, I also know that compassion has to start with me ... or else there really isn't any chance to truly show compassion to others.

As, I continued to frantically look for things, my eyes fell on My Loving Reminders deck that showed up as part of an unsolicited gift.

I realized what I needed right now was one of those slow down moments we talked about in the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction class yesterday (more on that, someday).  So, I held the deck gently, fanned it out and mindfully chose a place to cut.

This card appeared:

When you find
your self
judging someone,
look for what 
in your self
you are not yet
to accept ...
hold that part 
of you
more gently!

It brought me back to me ... and the frantic searching. I could hear the voice in my head during that searching, berating myself for not knowing where something *important* is, for not being farther along on *everything* and for, in general, not being on top of everything.  [I heard a little of the voice of the therapist and the group in there, too.]

But, I know what to do ... yes, I will take the things with me that I might decide to read today... I will run some errands, and I will get the car's alignment done, and I will get some work done.  And, I will go to happy hour to celebrate. 

And, whatever I get done will be *enough* because I am *enough* every day in every way. 
Alaska, 2007

Sending loving reminders your way to be gentle with yourself.

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