Friday, January 11, 2013

The Oracle

One of the *gifts* from Robin Posyn was a deck of cards she calls Remembering and Celebrations ... she says to use it by reading them whenever you feel, or as an oracle.  As in, pull one from the deck as your "remembering" for the day.

So, the other day, I pulled one.  After several days of feeling lower than low, and unable to turn off the spigot, I needed something, anything ... something to pull me out, to make it okay, to get me through.

This is the card I pulled:
When you're tired,
Even When
No Reason To Be 
And, Especially
When "There's
No Time For

Even now, the tears tumble out.  It was what I needed to hear and then some ... I have been so careful with my energy this "break" -- taking time out ... getting back in bed, sleeping in, and eating whatever and whenever. 

I needed it ... but I was feeling guilty, as if somehow my time is not mine. 

I got done what I got done.  I cried what I needed to cry. I slept what I needed to sleep.

And Monday is a new day ... the beginning of the semester -- and I will be there, in my own way, in my own time, allowing for whatever rest I need.

If you are needing more than this to convince you that we all need to do what we need to do for ourselves (before we can do for anyone else), read this.  I marvel at her strength, courage, vulnerability and POWER.  She is my superhero -- she has all the qualities I am trying to own, love and embody in this life.

Taking a picture of the sunset, I was angry, at the time, for the STOP sign being so bright.  It was the universe...speaking!

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