Wednesday, July 10, 2013

surface and below

Many thoughts run through my head and sometimes they make sense.
Some highway from the car

I wonder what can I safely say aloud ... what can I write here?

I don't know... sometimes I think of the phrase that will fit, but it runs out of my head too quickly to get it down.

There are good days, mostly because I am sleeping enough or taking the homeopathic happy pills.

Then I forget that I need those things, and bad days creep in, take over.

I think I am supposed to be remembering how precious life is ... squeezing out of it as much as I can get.

But, instead, my eyes leak and my heart hurts and I breathe in and out.

These words resound in my head, heart and soul:

Be careful of what you can't take back.

Rescued from memory card

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