Sunday, May 23, 2010


I decided to just leave that not so happy post on the back burner.

There is a lot to process, but, today, I enjoyed these things:
the wind -- I know it is not every one's favorite thing, but I love the feel of it; first when it was pushing me towards the end of my run; it was hot and sunny and I was sweaty, and the wind was like my personal ac. Later at sbucks it was tickling my face with the strands of hair that fell out of the clip... beautiful.

the sun -- I have been indulging in sunbathing...sort of...the only kind I can, while sitting doing something else (and inadvertently when I am running). My arms are super brown and I wish the rest of my body could catch up without having to sit out in the sun at just the right angle.

the dog on the patio at sbucks -- I am not a dog person, but I enjoy dogs with personality ... there was the one that looked like a wolf who paced when his owner tied him up to go in for a coffee; the dog paced and paced in a circle and then sat down ... I swear I heard him sigh. His owner's buddy came out and said to the dog, "he'll be right out" because he must have known how much the dog missed his owner, even though it had only been a few minutes. When the owner came out and walked past the dog to the table where his friend was, the dog let out a reprimand. Awesome ... then all three of them left.

long talks with good friends ... processing, trying to learn, trying to be compassionate and patient with myself ... remembering other good talks.

I leave you with a photo I found in the treasure chest that is the box of photos in my mom's closet. He is not quite 3, kicking back at a beach in Ensenada, sporting his very cool cowboy vest; I am looking forward to some beach time this summer!!

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