Friday, June 15, 2012


10 hour train ride (part 1)

German rider helped with bags
The traveling coffee and snack seller
Out of Germany and Into Switzerland

Red shutters
Red poppies
They love red
Modern buildings
in primary colors

The commuters from Zurich
Lake Zurich
A pool in the lake
Gorgeous houses and parks
RVs from all over Europe

To Chur
The twists and turns and bridges on the way up the mountain
The commuters who didn't look up from their newspapers

Happy cows
No real wildlife
Penned up reindeer

Villages up high and against the mountain
Crazy bikers didn't stay at our hotel-on a budget - not the town for you

St Moritz
My mom's in love
Breakfast with the chinos

Straight up the hill
Long walk thru town
Shuttered homes
Tons of upgrade work on off season

Dinner with our best friend in the restaurant - best wine from Puglia.

Special dessert - we earned it walking til our feet hurt

Hope Floats in German

So many different German accents
The socioeconomic language split
German French Italian and English in St. Moritz.
Train workers, train station ticket, seller grocery clerks and waiters

A town full of workers
On the off season
A resort sans the wealthy

The fisherman docking the boats and coming over for breakfast
The orange work-clothed construction workers lunching at our hotel
The single man communal table

Switching from German to Italian to French and searching for words in English.

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