Monday, June 11, 2012

Marathon Travel Days

----From 5/11-12/2012

It's been nearly twelve hours and we are only half way to our first destination.

Oh, and I was up to three am packing - there was a flurry of errands and tasks that needed to be completed before I could turn my attention to packing.

So I finally got to sleep around 3 and then the alarm was ringing at 4:30am.


If I wasn't already exhausted from finishing up finals then the last minute preparations for the trip surely did me in.

Between not necessarily restive naps on planes, I have spent time in three airports in three states.

I discovered, or remembered, I had forgotten two key items: the iPod charger and running socks. I remembered this in my "sleep" if that gives you any indication of how much rest I was getting.

We walked around JFK trying to find chargers and food. And just stretching my legs in general.

 I had walked all way to the other end of the terminal looking for something to spread on the extra bread. I asked someone at a restaurant and the owner piped in that he had nutella and jam.

I asked to buy some and he said why didn't I bring the bread over and his chef would make it up for me. I said because my bread was all the way back at gate 28. He said he had another restaurant at gate 21 - to go get my bread and take it there and he would call over so they would be expecting me.

And so they were...exhausted at that point, I could barely put two words together, so I was glad when the young man saw my bread and said "I know who you are..."

He took the bread and talked to the chef...coming back with questions about which kind of jam and should he toast the bread. They made me a lovely sandwich - wrapped in wax paper and placed back in my ziplock.

I had been chatting with the young women who worked there-and they refused to let me pay for it or the little Brie I wanted.

I don't know how it is that NYC gets such a terrible reputation. This is the kind of people I meet. Just lovely and thoughtful and super nice.

Great way to start the trip.

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