No me gusta madrugar.
And by that I mean at all.
If I could spend all morning in bed, I would, quite frequently on a day off, I do.
But, I have been trying (rather unsuccessfully thus far) to get up early -- with the hope that I will get my exercise (what exercise?!) in first thing.
It is an admirable goal -- and up til now just that.
So, when I had to break up the 15 hour drive back from Williams, AZ to Oakland, I decided to get a little sleep in Oxnard and then pop in the car at 3 am.
I am happy to report that I made it -- both made it home safely and into the car at 3 am. There are several drawback to starting that early -- the starbucks you have become accustomed to are not really open til 5 or 6 am depending where you are.... at that hour I was in the middle of nowhere.
I stopped to get gas and buy coffee -- at a minimart -- and there was no milk... so I got back in the car and I kept going. I had no coffee... I had had no breakfast, I had not planned ahead enough to figure out that I would need food and that nothing would be open. Luckily I had a few bars in my bag.
It was foggy in patches very dense fog surrounded the car. It was almost like driving at the dead of night -- not as though the sun were about to shine through the clouds.
Suddenly at around 7 am -- the sun poked through and the sky was light. And I was almost home - and about to hit traffic in San Jose.
6 days ago
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