Friday, July 14, 2006

War by any means necessary

It would appear that we can think of no reason not to war. If we have to take recruits who are clearly troubled, well, that doesn't matter as we are just going to use them as sheep and lead them to slaughter anyway.

Ok, that's harsh...but is it not true at this point? We are so desperate for bodies to push in front of bombs and guns and armed militias we will make exceptions to our recruiting rules at a higher rate.

That is bad enough.

What's worse is the number of soldiers returning from war so disturbed that they are turning their rage (and weapons) on civilians in this country.

How can we expect any different from them? In the field, they are told that it is impossible to distinguish between good civilians and bad civilians. They are told that torture is a barely ethical means to a justified end. Why should they see civilians at home in any other way?

How does anyone readjust to civilian life after spending months killing and torturing? When you mix the messages between life and death and ethical and unethical, how do you expect young, impressionable men, who are trying to make something honorable out of something deplorable, to come out on the other side as constructive citizens?

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