Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Powerball Fever

I had a plan ... pick some numbers, get a few quick picks.

Then I got a text from little sister asking for some quick picks.

I realized I better call my dad and see if he wanted some.  Yes. He did.  A lot ... and then, not so much, and quick picks, no pick some numbers for me, here are some numbers, my rifle number (no idea what that means), my phone number, birthdays.  Very unspecific request.  Oh... and some for your mom and some for your friend.

On the one hand, quick picks are usually the winners, but I think it is more romantic to win with one's own numbers.  I tried not to think about it too much, just use combinations of the numbers he gave me.

When I got home, lots of numbers in tow, I got an email from big sister ... could I, would I go get some for brother-in-law? Of course... while I was at it, I asked little brother did he want some, and friends, too.

I went back to the store to get more tickets... scanned the images, sent them along to those who would like to win...

So, now, $116 later there are a lot of tickets... is there any luck?

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