Sunday, April 04, 2010

Secret spaces

This morning on my run I think I disrupted a secret rendezvous.

I was just trying to avoid hills so I decided to circle around a medical bldg parking lot area. I thought it would be joyfully vacant, empty, peaceful -- and it was until I rounded the corner and there was a police suv.

I couldn't see inside the tinted windows but the engine was on and I was fairly sure that someone was in there and had certainly noticed me.

As I left the area, I noted a truck approaching very slowly. Of course my cynical mind quickly deduced that he or she was holding back until I was gone.

You see, the truck had two choices to turn into the area with the police car - clearly marked as a dead end - or to turn and pass me.

Let's just say it never passed me.

So perhaps the friend in the police suv had called ahead to warn of the interloper.

When I circled back about ten minutes later neither were there.

I am sure it could have been harmless. However it was much more exciting to imagine it as illicit.

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