Thursday, August 28, 2008


There really is electricity in the air today... as I walked to the bus this morning, the sun was bright and the air was crisp. All the colors seemed brighter and the world happier. Maybe it is just me.

I haven't had a chance to watch my tape of the convention speeches last night, but I listened to the roll call live from my desk at work yesterday!

I can't wait for tonight and I am in love with the symbolism of having Barack accept the nomination tonight, 45 years later... (I would have been equally proud to have Hillary accept the nomination tonight, by the way)

Dr. King, as always, thanks for everything ...


  1. (I would have been equally proud to have Hillary accept the nomination tonight, by the way)

    If only the Hillary people saw it that way...howevr, I agree with you, it would have made serious history either way.

  2. It was a powerful night, yo.

  3. Did you really ask me where MY post was the other day? Pot, Kettle. Kettle, Pot. :)

  4. Yes! I have waiting for someone to call me on that shit for years!

    Thanks for the kick in the pants... I actually have a ranting post that I have been sitting on all week... posting tonight.
