Sunday, February 26, 2006

Violent Encounter Witnessed

Bringing a new twist to the meaning of violent squatters, I witnessed an overprotective bird protecting a hole in the telephone pole she is now calling home. The would-be intruder was a red-headed squirrel who probably just wanted to get across the high wire. I don't think squirrels would poach a bird's nest or steal eggs. I am quite sure squirrels are avowed vegetarians, if not vegans. It certainly would explain their jumpy behavior if they were vegans.

In any case, I was sitting on the steps waiting for some friends to pick me up when I heard a funny noise. It was a cross between a squeak, hiss and cry. I thought it sounded familiar, in NJ I had noisy brown squirrels who made that noise when they chased each other around trees in springtime. { :) } But in this age of squawky electronic devices, I wasn't sure if it was nature or man-made.

When the sound persisted, I look around and sure enough, following the sound I saw the squirrel going around the telephone pole near the top. As the squirrel appeared to be alone, I was intrigued. Watching, I noted a very small bird dive bombing the squirrel and precipitating the sound I heard.

The little bird continued to dive bomb until her objective had been accomplished and the squirrel retreated down the pole. He seemed more bewildered and inconvenienced than scared or angry. Her home secured, the little bird retired to the hole, sticking out her ever vigilant head.

I rushed back in for my binos and a bird book, but, sadly, I have only Eastern field books. She's small, gray with no markings I could discern. White underneath and a small peak on her head. I couldn't tell if she had a black beak, but I know where she lives.

1 comment:

  1. The squirrels at Firestone ate Whoppers and fries. I don't think they are vegetarians...
