Friday, February 17, 2006

Strength...Anger... and other illusions

The thing about appearing strong to other people is that they start to think, no really honestly believe, that you (the strong one) can't be hurt.

It is like a challenge to hurt you, to break you, to bring you down.

As long as they believe you are strong, they feel like the proverbial David bringing down Goliath.

Didn't Goliath have feelings? Did god create Goliath just so David would look like the underdog winner??

What if Goliath, like the wicked witch in Oz, had a story of his own to tell? What if Goliath were just plain human who happened to be big, and people treated him poorly, so he became hurt and sad, and lashed out in anger.

Anger is such an easier emotion to show, particularly if the real emotion is pain, hurt, vulnerability.

Someday I am going to become the angry, strong woman who doesn't care about anyone but herself... just like Goliath eventually gave into the hype. And we all know how that story ended.

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