Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Favorite Characters, Part 1

I have enjoyed several new series this season, but there was one that I had imagined starting to watch ... and then I just didn't have time. But I made some time this summer (when I should have been reading, that is true) ... in any case, the show is Grimm.

And, it's a weird and interesting show, but there is one character that I love. He is not necessarily the central character, but I find myself waiting impatiently for him to show up.  I am sure I am not the only one with a soft spot for Munroe.

I wait anxiously for the moment when Munroe is needed ... that is, when his expertise or personality becomes an essential part of any solution to the problem.  I love when he starts to talk about any topic even though the Nick character is getting irritated that Munroe can't just stick to the facts.  When he gets going on some arcane topic that makes his eyes light up, I am right there with him.

If my description of the character doesn't sell you, check out this article.

Let's be clear, though, I am sure the Grimm appeals to people on several different levels.  When the action scenes start, I look away ... not like I am afraid, just non-plussed, so it's the perfect time to check the recipe or email or whatever (yes, I only watch online).

So, if you haven't seen Grimm -- and you are sure it's not for you -- then, think again, and give it a try ... Munroe is a really cool character you might just learn to love.

Here is the actor talking about his character and the show:
In case the video is not showing up below, click here.

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