Friday, May 02, 2008

May Day many connotations here.

1) international day of labor -- again, the meanings fly by like moths trying to commit suicide against your windshield. This labor, this work, was to get a report finished, check things off the to do list, figure out how to get my achilles tendon to behave, get my eyes checked, wash clothes, pick up the best gift ever for a dog's going away party, HAVE FUN, pack, wash dishes....get the turtle to eat some fish. Those are the pieces of the do list that actually got done or at least attempted. In the end, what did I birth today? Not sure, check back with me later.

2) international distress signal -- ahh, yes. Diligently train for 16 weeks. Notice that cross training and yoga would be a great idea and super helpful. Don't find time for that. Take vitamins, make all the miles if not the runs, practice in altitude, increase speed, lose weight. Check, check, check. Oops, forgot to check the gas tank, ran out. Not really, but injured achilles tendon two weeks before the race?!

Two doctor visits, massage, much ibuprofen, ice (and if you know me, you know how hard that is for me to pull off), acupuncture and many stretches later...still not clear is I will be able to run on Saturday. Only time will tell...

On the other hand, there is another run I can do at the end of the month.

It will still be a lovely trip.

There is a fantastic resort with a massage already scheduled waiting for me on the other side of the race, whether I run, walk or just switch over to the 10K trail walk.

Oh, and officially 12 lbs lighter on Monday... no telling where I am today. Speaking of today, it was my Friday -- ya'll enjoy your Friday and your weekend.

See you on the other side.

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