Saturday, March 15, 2008


So, I have been cycling through all my favorite blogs and feeling really uptight about the fact that they are not updating EVERY MINUTE.

Several times, I have thought, maybe I will just write a note and say, Update, please!

But, since I am lurker on some blogs and post comments anonymously (totally in keeping with my persona, right?!), I thought that was pretty ratty.

Well, it turns out I am not a mouse or a even a regular rat, I am a super rat (to quote my favorite, Holly Golightly, did I mention that I recently read Breakfast at Tiffany's in ITALIAN?!) -- not only do I want my favorite bloggers to update EVERYDAY, maybe more than once a day... I don't update daily.

In fact, I mostly back fill... what a hack.

Anyway, duly noted. At least I didn't leave any snarky notes anywhere.

And that was the very least I could do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hell no, you have a blog & post anon!!! I am gonna be watching you. You are dangerous & now I feel pressured. I better get my next post underway now. LOL!!!!

