Saturday, February 16, 2008

Best Valentines Celebration... Ever

Last evening, a few of my friends joined me at Pasand Lounge for an anti-valetines celebration (and divorce anniversary party -- 5 years this week!!)... it was truly lovely.

When giving thanks for all the truly wonderful parts of my life, I always think first of my fantastic circle of friends. Though the faces of the circle may change, there are some enduring qualities that make all the difference: intelligent, brilliant (really), loving, generous, accomplished, poised, FUN, fun-loving, eclectic, beautiful (inside and out), and raucous.

When my friends get together, it is a traveling party. That is to say, we bring the party anywhere we go. It is always nice to have great surroundings...but even better to have these lovely ladies.

Needless to say, then, we had a blast. There was serious laughing, drinking and eating. True to form, our conversation weaved through various themes: life in general, divorce, child-rearing, advantages of young sexual partners, sex, happiness, philosophical moments, dating, work, life in general. We didn't get to politics, but then again it was only a happy hour!

Hug your circle of friends, in real life or just in your heart if you're not close enough, and remember to be thankful they are in your life.

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