Wednesday, January 16, 2008

hacer el bien sin ver a quien

Don't know how I missed this one... thanks to Luis for posting it on Latinosineducation (yahoogroup).

Looks like Mr. Tapia has gotten a website, so you can see what's going on more easily.

Here's my favorite part of this story:
Tapia is particularly moved by the outpouring of support from children, like the 5- and 7-year-old siblings in Colorado who opened their piggy banks and recently sent a check for $60. Or the 6-year-old who sent a check along with a drawing of Tapia next to a big yellow heart, under which she wrote, "This is like you are putting people into your heart."
"I will take that to my grave when I die," he said, choking up again.
"The gestures of these children are going to tear out my heart. They have such goodwill, and they have parents who are teaching them hacer el bien sin ver a quien," said Tapia, quoting an old saying of his native Mexico, which translates roughly, but not as poetically, as "do good, even if you can't see who will benefit."

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