Friday, August 16, 2013

the stars say...

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): "Until we have seen someone's darkness, we don’t really know who they are," said author Marianne Williamson. "Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we don’t really know what love is." Your assignment, Aquarius, is to seek out the deepest possible understanding of these truths. To do that, you will have to identify the unripe, shadowy qualities of the people who are most important to you. And then you will have to find it in your smart heart to love them for their unripe, shadowy qualities almost as much as you do for their shiny, beautiful qualities.
 According to Rob Brezsny, this is my assignment for the week ... today it seemed particularly apropos... I'm tired and I can't really figure it out right now, but seeing the darkness of others was a little too easy today, understanding it, a totally different thing...

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