Friday, July 01, 2005

from here to there

The really cool thing about the internet, to me, is that it is like a game I used to play: trying to retrace my thoughts to figure out how I had gotten here.

I love to meander... I am not lost, I am taking the scenic route, figuratively or literally, all the time. I am convinced that it is the best way to not MISS anything that might be out there to see or marvel at or feel indignant or shocked about. So for me, internet searches are about casting the widest net and seeing what crazy things will pop up. Remember that time I found the site where you can post your ESP experience??

Today, while looking for more info on an author, I found this great list of uses for LARD. I know that lard is useful, most people doubt it these days... so I thought I would share it. I also found the saddest and warmest recollections about another author, who I had never heard of, who died in a plane crash in March at the age of 32. I have to admit that I was tearful while reading through all these memories, wishing I too had known her, wanting to read everything she ever read, wondering if I had ever passed her in the street. I was also thinking about how we don't really know the impact we have on folks every day. It made me think I should be more careful and more carefree at the same time.

Check out the uses for LARD and remember to search big sometimes instead of for just what you want... there's a whole world out there waiting for YOU.


  1. Where's the list of uses for lard? Is tamales one? :) Re: casting the wide net and finding treasures...AMEN! I hope you and kung fu barbie have a great time this weekend. I probably won't see ya, I'm coming back on Monday after all. :)

  2. They were all non-food uses for those who are afraid to EAT lard.
    The title of the post is a link... *new feature*
    Have a great time in Tahoe!

  3. If you can put the link in your blog, for the tech challenged. I'm still trying to figure out how to add my photo to my site...every little bit of help helps.
