Thursday, June 29, 2006

Listening... to the stars

Not Brittany or Angelina, the cosmic variety. The spirits and subconscious have been knocking on my door as well, but I have been fairly successful at ignoring all of these entreaties. Today's messages from the cosmos are demanding that I take a break, sit back and listen, and bask a little in the success or at least finality of the last project. I have decided to try to heed this advice; silencing my mind has always been a difficult task for me.

Here is what one said:
You've been running around so frenetically that you long ago missed out on the fact that you already tore through the finish line on that project or goal. Slow down! There is no point in continuing on your path, because everyone you wanted to impress has long disappeared. Right now, you're only trying to impress yourself. This perfectionism isn't going to make you happier, so just take a break and relax. Give yourself time to notice the progress you've made.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmm. I think the way they phrased it is more accurate. "It" referring to the conversation we had about self-imposed stress on the great things you can do with one hand tied behind your back. So why not use the other hand to have fun? You're a great multi-tasker already :)
