Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 3

Today is day 3 of the exams ... and I already feel that I am behind, though, to be fair, the deadline I set for myself to have the draft of the first paper was today at 6pm, that means I still have over three hours to make that happen. I am already on page 5 of the 8 I hoped to have done today ... I will probably get to more than ten and then start to cut. However, it feels like I am behind because in my dream, the one where I didn't procrastinate for several hours a day, I would be reworking the first draft right now not just finishing it.

Ah... technically still on track, though I would rather be doing ANYTHING than this. Ok, probably not anything. I have never had a root canal, and I am not that interested in trading that experience for this one. There is still something I can control here ... I just wish that what I was interested in controlling was getting done faster rather than taking longer!

The clouds threaten outside and I have moved from my couch to the sbucks, where I did enjoy the first few hours outside with the breeze tickling me. I want to take a nap, do yoga, go for a run, eat things that are bad for me. I want to read trashy novels, cook complicated dishes and talk to friends. I don't want to write these fucking papers.

The road ahead is full of days like this ... and hopefully some sense of accomplishment.

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