[This is a work in progress...]
Courage is a precious commodity.
It wanes and ebbs like the sea ... well maybe not like the sea since it is not so predictable.
I have spent time meditating on courage. Reading quotes. Trying to cultivate and encourage courageous actions and reactions.
There is nothing wrong with that. But it hasn't fed the need to have a spirit within me that is acting in a particular way. So, I chose fearless rather than courage as my word for the year because I think it embodies the spirit I need.
Fearless intimates facing fear even when you should be terrorized.
Perhaps that is too strong.
With fearless I am claiming a determination to face down fear. To have reservoir of fearlessness that motivates behavior and choices.
From the other side, I can say that courage is possible in the face of great fear. Or at least in the face of fearful situations.
Courage is mustered in the face of fear. Fearless advances where courage meets.
If you can achieve fearlessness then you do not have to have to muster courage because you have not been pushed to the point of terror. You go out to meet life - where is that lovely quote?
Does that make sense?
I have demonstrated courage on any number of occasions.
I do not lack the ability to react to fear. Rather I would like to have courage be proactive. To face the world without fear.
Is that asking too much?
I envision taking on situations fearlessly meaning that I willingly walk into the lion's den not worrying about what might happen. I would face the lion's den with an expectation of the adventure.
Perhaps that comes across as naive or unsophisticated.
However I see it as being willing, perhaps been eager, to be vulnerable.
I don't imagine it will be easy or enjoyable at first. But I hope it will be worth it. In time I may grow to love that fearlessness.
Fearless... this is my word for the year, and I am hoping the year of the dragon will help me to manifest it.
Happy New Year ...
6 days ago
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