I am from southern California, coastal.
I have to give the disclaimer. This is where I am from. It doesn't matter where I have lived or for how long I have lived there. My body was made near the coast in southern California. And, although it is adaptable, that is where it feels it should be, climate-speaking, all the time.
I can put up with cold or hot for short periods of time, especially when it is particularly bounded -- for a few weeks, for a month. Not for a season, though.
That is pushing it.
That is asking too much.
So, when it got cold here in OCTOBER...I pulled out my thermals and I thought, well, this will be good practice for Montreal.
When it stayed cold and my legs became icicles as I was driving to Gallup on those frigid mornings, I bought boots. The really warm kind with what the little lambs wear, but on the insides. And I had toasty toes. And I was still wearing my thermals... and I fished out the wool jacket from the back of the closet. And I looked for the hat, and found the warmest scarf and I put the gloves in my purse.
But, it stayed cold... and then I went to California ... the northern part... where it was not exactly beach weather, but it was not thermal or jacket or gloves weather either.
We could talk about how I chose not to bring a jacket with me and froze in the train overnight... but then I woke up in Los Angeles, and it was so nice to see a warm sun, I didn't care. I barely remember shivering in my two seats... that should have been pure luxury, but it wasn't.
Fast forward, and I am back in what I am affectionately refering to as the tundra and it's not as cold as it was ... but it is still cold... TOO COLD... and I refuse to wear a jacket. I put on the long sleeved shirt, I put on a warm sweater ... I have conveniently shoved the thermals to the back of the dresser... and then I go out and FREEZE.
This is not good.
I don't like to be cold worse than I like cold (or weather, in general)... this is my denial.
My inner teenager thinks that if she doesn't wear a jacket, it will magically be warm outside.
I see the children walking around campus in shorts and sometimes no shoes... why doesn't it work for me???
Yeah, denial is not good regardless of what you are denying.
Tomorrow, I am wearing the thermals again... if at 4pm I am feeling overheated, I only have to wait an hour for the sun to go down and it will be COLD again...
Over sharing is what blogs are all about, so get over it.
Happy Friday.
Photo credits: me, fancy camera, from the train, summer 2009. These were overcast days, too... note this did not deter the people on the beach! :)
6 days ago
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