Something about the teachers, the unions and how to make the deficit go away.
I loved this interview with Harvey Weinstein, and I really want to see that movie.
I hope that this news article is a harbinger of the future, but I am fearful that it is only hopeful thinking.
Then there is this piece about the impending food shortage. I am not trying to say I buy into the whole conspiracy theory... but I do believe that our reality check, like that of the rest of the world, will come through food.
I used to explore the river bottom when I was kid, and get in trouble for it... so I could not help but share this article.
I am not even going to read any more newspapers before this posts. I swear. I have to do WORK. And work at 6:30 MST or is it MDT? Who knows anymore... I am living for the weekend when I will be back in California.
A taste (Sonoma County the last time I got to barrel tasting):
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