There are times when I wish I had fb, only so that I could express myself in short snatches. I wouldn't call them status updates... they are snatches of experiences, just the little wisps that pass through your mind. They flit in and out like butterflies. Sometimes they stop and perch in your mind for a bit.
These are mostly from my long weekend in NYC:
I was at the intersection of Duane and Reade streets, but there was no Duane Reade there... disappointing.
No matter how much you watch a phone, or check an email, the message or call doesn't always show up when you want it to...
I always feel underdressed when I walk around NYC. Thank goodness for the tourists, they keep it real.
My feel are tired... three miles (at least) every day is killing my feet. I hope it is helping other parts of the body.
Sitting out in the sun near the water, listening not very attentively to the chatter around me and writing love letters. I wish I had worn shorts.
The Daily Om torments, fascinates and knows me all too well.
There are just too many from the Sade concert. Let's just say when she starts to sing, I feel like my best friend is talking to me.
Oh, and it's a good thing I never met Stuart Mathewman in real life because I would like to have his babies (10 or so) and baby-having has never been part of my life plan.
When he plays the saxophone I feel like I am being pried open.
6 days ago
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