I got some stories for you that have been clogging my inbox...waiting for a chance to be near a real computer to post.
[yes, I can post from the iPod, but I can't hyperlink without typing it all out...finger tip by finger tip...not happening]
I loved this story about the engineer who has been building individual gaming control devices for cost for quadriplegics. It is sad that they didn't get around to telling this story until he was ready to retire. Ten years ago, he might have designed an intern program for others to learn from his expertise. Hopefully, he will figure out how to pass on his knowledge to others. This is a kind of inclusion lots of folks don't talk about ... but needs to be addressed, like many others, before we go congratulating ourselves about how good we are about differently abled folks.
Super interesting story promoting Oscar Hijuelos' memoir... perhaps more super interesting for me than for you since I just spent several days with the brightest folks listening to them talk about race, class, culture, literature, etc. etc. etc... but you might enjoy it, too.
It's summer...officially either today or tomorrow, so it's a good time to talk about sunscreen and the new rules that should help us choose effective cancer blocking lotions... good luck!
For giggles and retching, all at once, here is a piece on attack ads, it should be about how we will be getting so many more of these in the near future [thank you, Supreme Court].
Seems as though I am not the only one that questions the existence of hell... I bet it was an interesting debate!
For the I LOVE LA file, here is a place where the LA Times checks into what is recyclable. I don't have all the facts, but it looks like you can recycle so much more in LA than you can most places!! Another great reason to love LA!
6 days ago
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