No one moment came to mind as I read the prompt today.
I considered going through my journal to see if there was a day that stood out, but I don't have that kind of time.
Then, I went to see a classmate's presentation about some research she has been doing on an Indian activist. As a special treat, the activist was present and gave a little speech. She blamed a recent illness and medication for her emotional response to the presentation. That is she cried.
I cried, too, as did my classmate, and I don't know how many others.
It reminded me of the best moments of this year. Those when I felt with abandon ... when I didn't hide how I felt from myself or others. This is usually accompanied by tears because tears are the hardest part of emotional release to reach for me.
Hot tears that track out of my eyes down my face as though they were little knives sharpened just for the event. And as much as they pain me, I am also always grateful for them.
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