December 14 – Appreciate What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)
Victoria must have been reading my mind.
This year has been very tough emotionally, now that I think of it, what year hasn't?
However, what I learned is that beyond my personal resources for dealing with life ... I have a great circle of friends. Friends, you know people who are for you not because they want something from you or want to use to to make themselves look better... etc.
Friends are people that you just have to call when you need them ... and not worry that you are going to be imposing on them in some way, because as your friends they can say with all the love in their hearts, I can handle this right now, or I can't ... but it doesn't change the way I feel for you.
Yesterday, I sent this text to three of those in that circle (if you are reading this, you know who you are):
Report back: finally chose my words to manifest not just for 2011: fierce, known.
Thanks so much for helping me to think through the words!
You are the best friends and support system any person could want!
Acknowledging my great abundance!
[just imagine the texting conventions employed to make this not be too long; and no punctuation, of course]
One of the ways that I express my gratitude and appreciation for my many great friends (and other gifts) is to acknowledge abundance in my metta practice.
But I am also trying to practice telling the people in my life just how wonderful they are, how much I appreciate them, and what they mean to me.
6 days ago
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