December 15 – 5 Minutes
Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)
I am going to break the rules, again. Who made these rules anyway?
It's a prompt ... that is, it should prompt you write something. If it prompts you to write on the question asked, well, you should get some extra brownie points. If not, you should just be happy you had something to say on that day.
When I saw the prompt, several ideas went through my mind, even though it was 8:18am (yes, I just changed the am to pm in the post date/time because I figured I wouldn't get time to work on this until then):
-how many more minutes before I am finished with finals?
but that depressed me because I actually have an indefinite extension on one of my papers, though I am tentatively planning on it being done by Friday evening.
-what will I do with all those theoretically *free* minutes when I finish with finals?
they are only theoretical because I will be working for money for a lot of those minutes, though some will be spent in NYC and some will be spent in Nashville, and, of course, some of them will be spent in SoCal holding my new niece!
So.... what will I do with my minutes
-watch movies at a movie theater and on tv
-watch as many L&O marathons I can find!
-try to watch dexter for free
-give my niece eskimo kisses
-have a movie date with the Mijo
-read a book for fun
-read a book for school
-draft a funding proposal for my research in PA [no fun!]
-draft my progress report for the dept
-draft my personal statement for the reapplication process [don't get me started...]
Did I mention that I ordered the really big latte with full caffeine and an extra shot today??
It has helped me to be somewhat productive in these two and one half hours ...
I have drafted an essay for a scholarship
I have drafted a budget for a funding proposal -- actually it is not FINALIZED!
I have drafted the funding proposal
I still have to draft an abstract
finish paper #2 -- that's the one with the extension, so it is not happening today
finish paper #3 -- I have eight bad pages but I really good OUTLINE for that one!
volunteer on campus for an hour
EAT real food
get a drink to celebrate the pretend end of the semester while listening to Felix's solo debut CD
There's probably more I need to do, but, let's be realistic... there really are only so many minutes in one day.
You see, I came back to the prompt, at least the first word of it!!
6 days ago
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