Thursday, March 10, 2011


My class is still collecting news stories about teachers for our study of the rhetoric. This is not a stand out, but I am still marveling at how we allow the right to set the agenda. I love Obama, but he's is completely off base on education. I was so disappointed by his choice of Secretary of Education... and continue to be.

My heart continues to ache over this story... it is the ugliest and most unseemly way we turn people upon their own. May Maria Isavel rest in peace... and may we not stop agitating until this stops happening.

Sorry to say this story got so much play. Gingrich trying to rehabilitate himself in order to run for president decides that the best way to do that is to "blame" patriotism for his infidelity and hypocrisy. Seriously... if people believe this, then there is no hope for our country.

For the "they just don't get it" file... here's a little story about white men fighting for their rights. Pobrecitos.

A couple of articles about the changing demographics in California that the latest census has uncovered. I am not sure that I am convinced that these are the most salient points in the demographic shift story, but I was interested in how they both used graphic representations to try to make their points.

Somewhere out there ... is there a story with a silver lining?? Still looking...

This one will have to do: the coast guard gymnasium in Oakland/Alameda, Coast Guard Island, has been named for the first African American NY Giant who also was a WWII hero (and an NFL hall of famer). It's as feel good as I am going to get today I think...

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