So, what how do you answer the question: How are you? when you are facing down these circumstances:
-I lost my brother seven months ago
-I lost my sister a week ago
-There are wildfires threatening two uncles who refuse to evacuate
-Several cousins are "helping" the uncles who won't evacuate effectively putting themselves also in danger
I am not even going to count the rest of the stress form the end of the semester as it seems negligible, even preferable, at this moment.
I'm fine.
I could say that.
I was even acting like I was fine for the past three days.
Never mind that the tears are only a thought away.
Never mind that getting out of bed is a chore.
Yeah... I'm fine alright.
This morning I missed my flight because in my fineness I thought my plane left at 7:15a instead of arriving at 7:15am.
Yeah, very fine, alright.
Thank goodness for Southwest and the many, many flights.
Currently in Las Vegas, waiting for the flight to Los Angeles.
Slight detour, but not arriving much later than I thought I was supposed to arrive.
I'm fine.
At least I will be someday.
6 days ago
Say it and say it again. Some time there's nothing else to do. Numb blankness can save your life. Sad, but true.