Ever wonder what to do with the wood from that tree you chopped down? The folks at Wood from the Hood have some ideas. Though this piece was interesting ... it didn't seem to address some of the other side of this issue, like, why were folks cutting down these perfectly good trees?
This is the kind of proactive work I love to see from young people ... when you don't like something, use the system to make your statement.
So, who knew that the first weather felon (read: global warming felon) would be the groundhog? Well, talk about denial... poor groundhog did his job ... but global warming means crazy UNNATURAL weather. How's a groundhog supposed to know and figure that in to his predictions? ...I am not going to post the "follow up" stories whose headlines were as close as I got to them.
Drinking this milk doesn't cause any harm to the environment. wow... if they can do, why can't others?
The groundhogs are getting off easy in this global warming thing, if all they get is indicted for not properly predicting when spring would come. These poor animals are getting the short end of the stick, and they are just the first of many what we will have to watch wither away. I guess the only ones who have it worse are those that are already gone, and we didn't even notice.
I sure hope global warming deny-ers like wine because it may be the only thing that will convince them to change their ways.
Something tells me that when the EPA confirmation hearing doesn't revolve around Environmental issues (hence the E in EPA) then we are not headed in the right direction.
Unfortunately the stories about what works in relatively clean (nothing is purely or truly clean) energy don't always make page 1, interesting and important as they may be.
I love bugs, don't get me wrong, but they are better when they are naturally occurring not over producing due to funky weather conditions -- read: moth invasion last spring. It is, in my opinion, like a curse from god for misbehaving.
5 days ago
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