As a draft sitting there holding space, this was going to be a post about how on the trip we ended up in Naples rather than spending the day seeing sights in Rome. Someday, I may tell you more about it.
Then, after I named the post, I would see it and think I should tell you, instead, about some musing a friend and I did about the voice in the GPS units in cars. This is a story I would like to tell you someday ... just not today.
And then, it became a post about why I was only going to Oakland on a plane instead of the lovely driving trip I had planned for late June/early July. It turned out I was just never ready to share all the reasons that went into that decision. And it became a non-story.
That's a lot of preamble. Welcome to my world.
What is left is to say that there has been a lot of route recalculation of late ... and I predict some more before too long.
I am trying, during this retrograde of Mercury, to follow the advice of the astrologers: stay flexible. Make plans (read: recalculate route), but stay open to changing any and all plans.
I like this idea much more than feeling that all of the M. retrograde time as "what can go wrong will go wrong" -- that is extreme... but sometimes true. However, as a nemesis of mine has taken pains to say as a rebuttal to me in public (no, I am not at all bitter), it is easier to deal with a potentially trying time by not expecting the worst. That is not exactly what she said, but let's just say that is what she meant, as a sign of charity.
So, for these last seven days or so of M's retrograde, let's continue to remain flexible, recalculating as necessary ... going with the flow when it doesn't threaten our lives, and pulling to the side of the road as needed.
May all being be at ease.
[photo credits: me, fancy camera; mummified frog remains that lived outside my door after friend rescued it from ex's front yard ... yeah, Mercury is in retrograde, so this picture makes sense to someone]
6 days ago
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