I have been listening carefully to the comentary on Obama's speech... to see who would be willing to go beyond the insidious sound bite out of context:
Here's some of what I think is acceptable:
Bryant Park Project (not usually my favorite, I have to say -- perhaps this has something to do with the fact that this program is pandering to the same "young professionals/students" that Obama's campaign has targeted.)
News and Notes (this is a mainstay and they have been very sympathetic, to say the least, to Obama, so it is not surprising they would have good commentary.)
Mara Liason's analysis (this was the first thing I heard, even before I had heard the actual speech [it's hard to find now, they now have it linked within the first day's Talk of the Nation coverage -- which I have now listened to/watched several times and I read the text, twice).
All Things Considered -- not really commentary, pretty much straight reporting, but you get to hear what the journalists think is important about the speech. I decided not to watch local news last night, I was afraid to hear what parts they thought were important and news worthy. I hope they proved that they can be real journalists and not just ambulance chasers. ATC actually had three Obama related stories, an actual commentary and a look at the tradition of liberation theology.
Please note that I am NOT linking to Juan William's analysis. He has done nothing, in my opinion, to demonstrate his worth since he beat up on Anita Hill way back when. In fact, I am dreading having to hear him talk about this on Fox News politics show on Sunday; yes, I watch it, you have to listen in to the enemy in order to adequately prepare defenses.
Tell Me More (another one of my regulars) -- this piece is actually a piece on the need for the speech, taped before the speech was given, I am guessing we will have to wait until tomorrow for their analysis of the speech).
I will add more links when appropriate.
Remember, resist the sound bite: read, listen or watch the whole speech (A More Perfect Union)and forward on the message with links to your friends, family and colleagues.
6 days ago
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