I have said many times, I don't like running. The other night, my sister questioned me about why I run if I don't get the runner's high. My answer is twofold, at least, I like the all body workout you get just from running, and maybe even more importantly, the arthritis in my neck behaves better when I am running regularly. Go figure. I never would have believed it if anyone had ever told me that was true.
I realized running a 3 miler tonight that running two miles is just not enough any more. When I am good, as I have been this time around, and making all the miles, the run gets easier at about 1 mile. At about 1.5 my heart feels stronger...like it's pumping the way it was built to pump.

Onward.... I am signing up for a 10K at Lake Merritt on March 22nd... not exactly the long run I need that week, but close enough. See you there?

HOw cool. I hope you held up & did good. I for one have never been a runner. I cannot imagine moving all of this body @ a fast pace. well I could if a dog was after me.
Still working towards the goal... I missed one 4 miler last week because I over did it and needed a break...but I am back.
ReplyDeleteI have an 8 miler this weekend and then two 9 milers before I start tapering for two weeks before the big day.
But, I have already booked my room at the resort for a spa day after the run!