My NPR app was piling up with pieces I hadn't heard, so I spent some time with it ... and it turns out that there were some stories there that I wanted to share:
I am super excited to read this book, even though after hearing the interview I could only remember whose new book it was and not what it was about. I will report back if I get *free time* to read it sometime in November...
I remembered as I listened to this piece that someday I want to write a book about the women who became nuns in the 1950s and 1960s... again, in my *free time* sometime after 2018.
Then I stumbled onto these little gems:
James Patterson putting his money where his mouth is... people so rarely do this, it is remarkable and even if it weren't about independent bookstores, it would be of note.
I didn't even know that there was a tiny door controversy in Golden Gate Park. But I ****love**** this story. I am so excited about this man and his son worrying about how the faeries will get their mail! I will be adding their blog to my daily blog watch, who could resist?!
This man certainly deserves more than a certificate from the city. I am glad that others are reaching out to help him -- and, yes, he did what we hope anyone would do. The problem is that everyone does not ... and homeless folks are always getting the side eye for asking for help, for looking disheveled, for reminding us that there but by the grace of god, go we...
I am so impressed with this list of MacArthur Geniuses ... wow, just wow... congratulations to all of them ... and thank you for taking up for those who cannot take up for themselves. Wow.
8 minutes ago
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