I love the sentiment of the board to name this earnest young man as an "honorary" director, however, I wonder who they think he is that he would know how to better reach out to at risk youth. It makes me suspect that this was only a publicity stunt, and, in that case, I am sorry they used this boy's generosity in this way.
Let's see... where to start with this one: cyber-bullying of teachers? I am interested in the way that the district formulates the threat ... though I am not sure that there isn't some other way to handle the issue in an educational setting.
This story about "baby boxes" was troubling -- mostly because it spent so much time on the "debate" as to whether or not they should be available. There is no discussion about the underlying reasons for mothers to feel that they cannot take on the challenge of mothering. Instead the focus is on the "child's right to know his/her parents." I have no quarrel with that point, but it is hardly the central issue. Much like those folks who only worry about fetuses before they are born, this concern for babies' rights misses the mark.
I was thinking about titling this mish mash something more negative when I heard this piece. There is just so much hypocrisy in this "inquiry" -- yes, by all means, report on what you think are problems with financing of elections ... but don't forget that these donors could have just started a PAC and you wouldn't be able to even ask their names let alone force someone to give the money back. The fact is our political system is broken when it comes to this issue, and the people who have the ability (and the charge) to fix it are part of the problem ...
It is not frequently that I think to myself, I wish I were a fish and game warden, but when I read this article, I certainly did!! 27 bear cubs in your backyard! What could be better than that? Thank goodness for bears, although the sad circumstances of their orphan status makes this more of a lemonade story than just a happy story. I super appreciated the game warden making the point that killing hungry mama bears after they have already eaten your chickens is pointless ... I would have said revenge... it is sad to think that these folks were given the opportunity to safeguard their chickens, and instead took their lack of foresight out on the hungry bears.
I am not sure exactly what to make of this piece, but I was mildly entertained. Were you?
And, in the category of too much time on their hands, is this piece on a lawsuit against a school district for providing yoga as part of the physical education program. Note these specifics, it is part of the physical education department. Yet, the suit insists that this is breaching the freedom of religion constitutional right. But these folks are probably the same ones that believe they are being violated because there is no praying at school. Ah, to have so much free time to go with my righteous indignation!!
6 days ago
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