When there are no words...
know that the silences are carrying
the thoughts and prayers of all who love you.
D. Dais
5 days ago
There are moments that
hold eons of separation.
Yet parting is not but
an exhaustion of the mind.
Perhaps we have not parted.
-K. Gibran
Upon the bank of the nile at eventide, a hyena met a crocodile and they stopped and greeted one another.
The hyena spoke and said, "How goes the day with you, Sir?"
And the crocodile answered saying, "It goes badly with me. Sometimes in my pain and sorrow I weep, and then the creatures always say, 'They are but crocodile tears.' And this wounds me beyond all telling."
Then the hyena said, "You speak of your pain and your sorrow, but think of me also, for a moment. I gaze at the beauty of the world, its wonders and its miracles, and out of sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs. And then the people of the jungle say, 'It is but the laughter of a hyena.'"
-Khalil Gibran, The Wanderer
September 12, 2012
Your Allies on Life’s Journey
Finding Your Tribe
by Madisyn Taylor
We all desire to find our tribe, a community of those that feel comfortable to us and nurture our journey.
Part of being human is the search for an individual identity. Bound to this strong need to establish a unique persona, however, is an equally intense desire for acceptance. It is when we find our individual tribes that both are satisfied. Our tribe members are those people who accept us as we are without reservation and gladly accompany us on our journeys of evolution. Among them, we feel free to be our imperfect selves, to engage unabashedly in the activities we enjoy, and to express our vulnerabilities by relying on our tribe for support. We feel comfortable investing our time and energy in the members of our tribe, and are equally comfortable allowing them to invest their resources in our development.
The individuals who eventually become members of your unique tribe are out there in the wide world waiting for you. You are destined to find them, one by one, as you move through life. Sometimes your own efforts will put you in contact with your future tribe members. At other times, circumstances beyond your control will play a role in helping you connect with your tribe. If you look about you and discover that you are already allied with a wonderful and supportive tribe, remember that there are likely many members of your tribe you have not yet met. On the other hand, if you feel you are still living outside of your tribe, broadening your horizons can help you find your tribe members.
However your life develops after you come together with your tribe, you can be assured that its members will stand at your side. On the surface, your tribe may seem to be nothing more than a loose-knit group of friends and acquaintances to whom you ally yourself. Yet when you look deeper, you will discover that your tribe grounds you and provides you with a sense of community that ultimately fulfills many of your most basic human needs.
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photo from the CHP, lifted from SFGate.com |
To me, a Superhero is someone who invites her wisest, bravest, most alive self to come out and play, every day. This doesn’t mean having all the answers, being unshakably strong, or performing dramatic feats of heroism. It means being someone like you – and someone like me. Someone who is anxious and uncertain, oh, say, 50 – 80% of the time. Someone who wants to live a juicy, full, courageous life — but doesn’t always know how. Someone who understands that vulnerability just might be the greatest superpower of all.Andrea gives me courage and hope on a regular basis... I love to see that something new has popped up on my google reader. It is sure to dig deep and tell me something true that I needed to hear.
"We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense."What has been most painful about the Republicans sell of their candidates this year is that they seem to be suggesting that their followers only respond to mean-spirited, ungenerous, and spiteful rhetoric. The country they want to lead has nothing to do with how I feel about my place in this world. The fact that they believe that this is the only way to reach their base makes me cringe.
State Gives Other Options For Diploma
Hailey Heinz / Journal Staff Writer, Published: Sep 1, 2012
For the roughly 10,000 New Mexico high school seniors who didn't pass the Standards Based Assessment last year, hope is on the horizon.
The Public Education Department on Friday released the details of how students can show their knowledge and receive a high school diploma in other ways. Moreover, the PED clarified that students who fail to demonstrate competency can still receive the lottery scholarship to attend college in New Mexico.
This year's high school seniors are the first class that must get a passing score on the 11th grade SBA or prove their knowledge through other criteria in order to receive a diploma. "Passing" the SBA means achieving a certain total score in math and reading, and scoring at least "nearing proficient" in both subjects. Students must also reach a set score in the "nearing proficient" range on the science section of the test.
Required scores
If students don't pass the Student Based Assessment on the second attempt, they can earn a diploma by getting certain scores on several common college placement tests. Here are the scores they need for the ACT and SAT.
Social Sciences (reading): 21
College Algebra: 22
Biology: 24
Reading: 450
Math: 450
Students who don't meet these standards or the other criteria outlined Friday, but who meet all other high school graduation requirements, will receive a "certificate of completion" instead of a diploma.
Policymakers in 2010 decided to scrap the state's previous high school exit exam, which the state had been using since the 1980s and which measured skills at an eighth grade level. The SBA tests 11th grade standards.
The law that authorizes the lottery scholarship says students are eligible to receive it "immediately upon completion of a high school curriculum at a public or accredited private New Mexico high school or upon receiving a graduate equivalent diploma."
PED spokesman Larry Behrens said he interprets the statute to mean students who receive a "certificate of completion" from their high schools rather than a diploma can still get the lottery scholarship.
But there may be other hurdles for students who earn a certificate instead of a diploma. The federal government's "basic eligibility criteria" for federal financial aid says students must have a high school diploma or a recognized equivalent like a GED or completion of an approved homeschool program. In other states, students who received certificates found they were not eligible for federal aid.
In their first attempt at the test last spring, 57 percent of students across the state received a passing score. The other 43 percent will have another chance to take the test during the first two weeks of October.
And if they don't pass on the second try, they have other options for receiving a diploma.
According to a PED manual released Friday afternoon, students can demonstrate their knowledge in core subjects by meeting a minimum score on one of the following tests: Advanced Placement, ACT, SAT, PSAT, AccuPlacer or International Baccalaureate.
Students can also demonstrate their skills by passing designated core subject classes, or an equivalent end of course exam. Specifically, to show math competency, students must pass Algebra II, Integrated Math 3 or an equivalent course. For reading, they must pass English 3 or an equivalent course. And in science, students must pass either chemistry or biology.
This article appeared on page A1 of the Albuquerque Journal© 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
N.M. College Enrollment Dips
Astrid Galvan / Journal Staff Writer, Published: Sep 1, 2012
[Photo not available in the version I read] University of New Mexico students at the school's main campus walk to class at lunch hour recently. Classes started Aug. 20, and enrollment has stayed steady at about 28,000. Photo Credit Roberto E. Rosales/Journal
Enrollment at some of New Mexico's colleges and universities has decreased since last year, but only slightly.
For most schools, the numbers aren't final, as students can still register late. But trends have emerged: a drop in the number of graduate students and an increase in freshman classes.
Enrollment at the University of New Mexico has stayed steady at about 28,000. It is seeing a slight increase in its freshman class, most notably among out of state freshman, which grew by 6 percent.
However, there's a 3.75 percent decrease in the number of graduate students, from 4,268 to 4,108.
Such is the case at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, where the graduate student population has dropped from 504 to 485 students, or 3.76 percent, according to spokesman Tom Guengerich.
Guengerich said that's in large part due to the school's year old policy of allowing students to graduate every month. For example, a graduate student who finishes degree requirements in September can officially graduate within the month instead of having to wait until the end of the semester. That opens up more job opportunities, Guengerich said.
"For some students that created a real problem," he said. "We've heard nothing but positive feedback from graduate students who are now getting their diploma off schedule."
An 11.3 percent increase in Tech's undergraduate population, to 1,676 students, helped offset the decrease. What's more, the university this year has its largest freshman class in the school's history with 373 first year students.
At New Mexico State, enrollment has dipped about 2 percent since last year at the school's main campus in Las Cruces, according to university data. That campus has more than 17,000 students enrolled, but there are an overall 28,000 students in the university's campuses around the state.
Central New Mexico Community College's enrollment numbers have seen gains since the Journal reported a 10 percent drop earlier this month. The gap has closed to about 2.9 percent, spokesman Brad Moore said. There are now 28,346 students in classes, which started Monday.
Perhaps the biggest changes in enrollment were within UNM, CNM and NMSU's satellite campuses.
CNM's Rio Rancho campus saw a nearly 16 percent spike, from 1,466 to 1,700. UNM's Rio Rancho location grew from 407 to 572 students. Both campuses opened in 2010.
As for New Mexico State, enrollment at its Grants branch fell 9.5 percent, and at its Carlsbad one it grew 14 percent. "Students can adjust their course schedules during the first two weeks to better balance their academic, work and family life," Bernadette Montoya, NMSU vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, said in a statement.
"In addition, late registration continues through Sept. 4, so enrollment numbers will continue to fluctuate."
This article appeared on page C1 of the Albuquerque Journal© 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
September 3, 2012
Being Your Own Voice of Reason
by Madisyn Taylor
How we attach meaning to events in our lives has a large influence on the quality of our life.
The meaning we assign to our experiences–whether pleasant or distressing, is a very powerful factor in determining the quality of our lives. What we imagine events to mean will color the way we feel about ourselves, about the people in our lives, and about the world at large. If we want to encourage a positive outlook, well-being, and a sense of self-confidence and even trust in the universe, we can begin by assigning more peaceful, loving meanings to what we experience.
Imagine, for example, that a friend fails to show up to a lunch date. You have choices as to what you will make this experience mean for you. You could allow being “stood up” to reinforce your feelings of unworthiness, you could begin to mentally attack your friend’s character, or you could assume that something big must have happened to cause them to miss the date—then, you might open yourself up to enjoying some relaxing time alone.
If you were recently laid off and are having difficulty finding a new job, consider that you might have hidden gifts or passions that were untapped in your regular career that you are now available to explore. The universe might simply be moving you in a more fulfilling direction. If you have recently lost a loved one, gained weight, lost money, or gotten in a fight with your partner, see if you can infuse the experience with meaning that feels loving and empowering and opens a door for you to embrace life and the world a bit more.
When we begin to bring consciousness to what we are making things mean, we may be shocked at the messages we have been feeding ourselves all these years. Try taking the reigns and begin assigning a kinder meaning to the events in your life and you will likely find yourself on a much more pleasant ride.